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Tag: hard SF

Semiosis and Interference — Sue Burke

I am really behind on my reading log and as such I am not going to be able to do a very good job with these two books. I’m classifying these books as “hard SF” because it seems very realistic. No FTL, no “magic” science, and an interesting extrapolation of observed plant biology in outer space. I listened to these two mostly on my walks to and from work during the month of October and…

Permafrost–Alastair Reynolds

I have only read some of the epic, galaxy spanning space opera novels by Reynolds, so when I was looking for an audio book for a road trip, this author was not what I was expecting. However, coming in at about 4.5 hours, it was perfect for my weekend getaway road trip. This climate fiction work was published in 2019 and is about 175 pages. Reading the description, I knew that it was climate and…

The Three-Body Problem — Cixin Liu

I really struggled reading this book. It was extremely slow paced for the first 60-70% and I had a difficult time differentiating the characters from each other. Unlike other reviewers I read about online, I didn’t have a hard time with the fact that the book jumped around in time. But I wanted to expose myself to something outside my comfort zone. I am a little bit familiar with the big picture of “Eastern Literary…

All Systems Red — Martha Wells

This book has been on my TBR pile since my first Flights of Foundry con; it seemed like every panelist was recommending the book. I finally purchased it a few months ago and I was in the mood for a shorter, quicker read after all the space opera epics I’ve been reading. Wow, it was a lot of fun and i am so happy that there are apparently 5 more novellas and 2 more novels…

Dune Messiah — Frank Herbert

I have decided to reread all 6 of the Dune books as my next reading adventure. I have read the first 3 several times, and the last 3 only once, but with my more advanced understanding of writing and craft, I am hoping to learn from this epic which inspired so much of my own world building over the years. This book is set 12 years after the events of Dune. It continues with political…

The Martian — Andy Wieir

the Martian — Andy Weir I read this book (about the first quarter of it) when it was still serialized on his website, and then about 8 or 9 years ago I read it. I remembered the basics of the plot. I saw the movie. I decided to reread it based on the recommendation of one of my writing group members. Honestly, I don’t remember why she suggested it but I think it was to…

The Left Hand of Darkness—Ursula K. Le Guin

This book was recommended to me on Twitter (by Elizabeth Bear who did a month of LGBTQIA+ book recommendations for Pride Month). I have attempted to read Le Guin before but have always struggled with the relatively dense prose, but I decided to give this book a try. I won’t lie, I had to force my way through it. I know a lot of recommendations out there say to not read books you aren’t enjoying…

Leviathan Falls — James S. A. Corey

Well, i finally finished the series. I enjoyed it all the way through but this last book went places I didn’t fully understand. So much so that I actually read a spoiler laden interview with the authors where they talked about the ending. I won’t give spoilers but basically the ending is mystical and incomprehensible on purpose. They hinted at it though out the whole book, with the ring builders and their enemies gaining a…

Tiamat’s Wrath — James S. A. Corey

After a long hiatus… I started reading again. My real life has consumed me since about February and I haven’t done any pleasure reading since January. I checked this book out from the library in January, read about the first 3-4 chapters… and then nothing. Then 4 weeks ago I checked it out again, got another 3-4 chapters in, and then it was due so I had to renew it, and finally finished it today.…