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Tag: 4-star

Ancestral Night — Elizabeth Bear

I have been very busy for the last 10 days and haven’t had a chance to blog this book that I finished about a week ago. This was an interesting read. I didn’t know the gender of the main POV character until about half-way through the book. It didn’t matter, and I think that was a choice by the author. I also liked how the tech is described in just enough detail that you know…

The Recollection–Gareth Powell

This book has been on my TBR pile for a long time and I finally picked it up for my birthday (which I share, one year different, with GLP!) this year. This story begins with two brothers arguing because both are in love with the same woman, and she had feelings for both as well. Before they can reconcile, the older brother gets transported through a mysterious arch that appears randomly in the tube station…

The Last Emperox—John Scalzi

In the afterword to this book, Scalzi says that this is the first intentional trilogy he has written. That was an interesting fact to learn. This book follows the thread, picking up right where book two ended. There were a few surprises, not the least of which (SPOILER ALERT) was the death of the (seriously spoiler alert. I will pause and put it in the next paragraph… it will be safe to read after the…

On a Pale Horse–Piers Anthony

I received this book as a gift from a friend. He said it was one of his favorite series. I had heard of Piers Anthony; one of my good friends in High School read him but somehow I just never managed to. I found myself laughing out loud and reading pithy sections to my wife as I read. I haven’t read much Terry Pratchett but this book was nailing the odd British humor that he…

Stars and Bones — Gareth Powell

Humanity has been evicted from the Earth by a benevolent super alien, and now we all live on arks, forbidden to ever land on a planet and destroy it again. That is a hell of a premise. And it gets worse. The main character, Eryn, is the pilot of a navigational ship and she wants to find out what happened to a lost survey crew that included her sister. This was a great space opera…

Hold Fast Through the Fire — K. B. Wagers

I was looking forward to reading this 2nd book in the NEO-G universe. Set about 400 years in the future after an unspecified calamity, this series follows the Near Earth Orbital Guard, Coast Guard in space, on their various adventures. K. B. is a non-binary author and their book has a host of various trans, and non-binary characters, as well as a loving and affectionate team of spacefarers. I was a little concerned that all…

God Emperor of Dune — Frank Herbert

I had a dim memory of reading this book. Like I’ve said in some of my recent posts, I have read the first 3 books at least twice but the second 3 only once. I had a vague memory of the major plot and what happened at the end, which was confirmed when I accidentally wikipedia-spoiled the ending for myself. In this post I want to focus on 2 things: foreshadowing, and homophobia. Quick summary:…

Dune Messiah — Frank Herbert

I have decided to reread all 6 of the Dune books as my next reading adventure. I have read the first 3 several times, and the last 3 only once, but with my more advanced understanding of writing and craft, I am hoping to learn from this epic which inspired so much of my own world building over the years. This book is set 12 years after the events of Dune. It continues with political…

Babylon’s Ashes — James SA Corey

This is the 6th book in the series and the first book of The Expanse series that I am not giving a 5 star rating too. Only 4 this time. This one felt different. It felt like the characters weren’t in control of their own destinies as much and there was a bit of a dues ex machina ending that was definitely hinted at in both this and the previous book, but still, it felt…

(R)evolution — PJ Manney

The head of a biotech company is under investigation for the use of his nanotechnology in a terrorist attack in Las Vegas. With nowhere to turn, his wife suggests they seek help as a last resort from an old friend. And then the mystery thickens. This is a near future hard SF book that has some surprising twists and turns–some of which I probably should have seen coming. This is not the type of SF…