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I have made my third sale! I found out late in the evening, two nights ago, and now have a signed contract so I am happy to report that my first non-flash fiction piece entitled “Stars End” will appear in Abyss & Apex magazine in Spring of next year. I am beyond excited and am really looking forward to sharing this story with you all. It had been quite a dry spell and I was…

Year in review

This was a year of firsts. First sale. First publication. Second sale. Second publication. I had 36 rejections (including one yesterday) which means I probably subbed 36 short/flash stories. I had a novel coach review my finished novel and I have started the process of editing it (I don’t know what I’m doing). I read, according to storygraph (a great app, by the way), 17 books, totaling 6602 pages, and I am about 1/3 of…

Alien Anthropologist

My story is out in the world! Thank you to OnSpec for publishing it. And, thank you to R. Graeme Cameron at Amazing Stories for reviewing it! My review is about 1/3 of the way down, but the gist of it is this: “this fictional example is vivid and … cynically amusing. Old-fashioned science fiction, perhpas, but a classic of its kind. Memorable. … I’m very fond of it.” That makes my week, everybody. 🙂

My first sale!

My short story entitled “Alien Anthropologist” will appear in the next issue of On Spec, which is going to the printers soon! This was my first sale but is the second to appear. Still waiting (with 5 currently out on sub!) for the third sale…

Crooked Kingdom — Leigh Bardugo

This 2nd book completes the “Six of Crows” series where we follow the adventures of Kaz, Inej, Nina, Matthais, Jesper and Wylan as they attempt to undo the wrong they received at the hands of a crooked “merch” at the end of the last book. I’ve been struggling to find time to read, but I finally had some time and read the last quarter of it last night. It got to the point I love…

Clarion rejection

I found out yesterday that I did not get in to the Clarion workshop in San Diego for this summer. I am sad, but I also understand the reality that it is highly competitive. I will keep trying, because I think a workshop like this will be a total game changer for my writing. Onward!

Another sale!

Today I signed another contract for my story entitled “The Grocery Store” which will appear in Radon Journal. Amazing. I can’t keep up this pace for too much longer, since I currently only have 3 other pieces out on submission but it was very exciting to have this happen quick on the heels of yesterday. I actually knew about this one for a few weeks. They gave me a conditional acceptance, but wanted me to…

Writing update

The novel has been pushed to the back burner for a moment as I am getting some stories up and ready for workshop application season. I have two that have been noodling around in my brain off and on for two and eleven years, respectively. Both were critiqued by my writing group and I have made significant revisions to them. I am very pleased with how they turned out and I am excited to loose…


At approximately 2:30 in the afternoon on Saturday October 29, I completed the zero draft of my first novel, “The Survivors.” It is a galaxy spanning space opera that addresses unchecked power and control, species-ism, and features a man who is pushed beyond his self imposed limits to break the rules in order to confront an unknown alien attack. I started writing these characters in my seventh grade english class in 1984, and while I…

My personal odyssey

In the rush of the spring semester, I forgot to note that I recently (end of March) submitted my application to the odyssey workshop. I had a story out making rounds on the submission landscape but it was rejected a few times so I decided to polish it up a little and pull it off submission to use as my piece for the workshop. I also needed to get two letters of recommendation, which wasn’t…