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Tiamat’s Wrath — James S. A. Corey

After a long hiatus… I started reading again. My real life has consumed me since about February and I haven’t done any pleasure reading since January. I checked this book out from the library in January, read about the first 3-4 chapters… and then nothing. Then 4 weeks ago I checked it out again, got another 3-4 chapters in, and then it was due so I had to renew it, and finally finished it today. This is the second to last book in the series and it is, as its placement as the 2nd book of a third trilogy, dark. I found myself really relating more to the older versions of Holden, Naomi, Alex and Bobbie. There were some surprises that were hinted at strongly enough that I was able to pick them out. But I won’t give away any details here. The universe is at war, the underground is splintered, the enemy is winning. It is grim and dark. And again, filled with the hard SF realism I love so much about this series.

I found myself reading for craft more in the last 5-6 days. I have cleared my schedule for the next year and will be writing. My number one top priority is to finish my novel, and the one thing it really is missing is emotional depth of my characters. What is it that makes /me/ care about a character? How do I add it to my own writing? I got some good ideas for my novel from reading this book as well. Nothing major, but some minor plot points that I can use to expand and deepen the story I am trying to tell.

I have already checked out the 9th and final book of the series: Leviathan Falls. It will be a sad ending because I have loved this universe. But I am looking forward to reading it.

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