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(R)evolution — PJ Manney

The head of a biotech company is under investigation for the use of his nanotechnology in a terrorist attack in Las Vegas. With nowhere to turn, his wife suggests they seek help as a last resort from an old friend. And then the mystery thickens.

This is a near future hard SF book that has some surprising twists and turns–some of which I probably should have seen coming. This is not the type of SF I normally read but this book had me hooked once I gave it time. I started it in early November and got about 1/4 of the way through it before I had to set it aside for NaNoWriMo and then I finished it up in the last few days. I couldn’t put it down!

I found the prose to be gripping. I enjoyed the 3rd person omniscient viewpoint… seeing inside multiple heads in a single chapter isn’t something I see a lot of but it worked. The characters felt real. Of course the main character has to be “the smartest person in the room” given the plot and the back story, and for the most part I liked the intrigue.

Hmm. It is kind of Andromeda Strain x The Da Vinci Code. Interesting.

Anyway, even though this is not my normal fare, I am definitely looking forward to reading the two sequels. well written, interesting plot and extrapolation of real technology. Whether this happens soon (as implied in the book) or if the nanotech described is centuries away, I guess it doesn’t really matter.

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