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Month: February 2023

Hunters/Sandworms of Dune — Brian Herbert and Kevin Anderson

Well, I have finally finished the Dune books. I will not be the first to note that the last two books which finish of the original series started by Frank Herbert lack the depth, clarity, and precision of the original Dune. Chapterhouse ended on a cliffhanger with a very strange vision of an old couple, and for years, that was just how the series ended. But apparently Frank left an outline in a safe deposit…

I have applied to Clarion!

Had a bit of a complicated day yesterday but still managed to submit my application for the Clarion workshop for this coming summer. I was really proud of my stories about a week and a half ago or so but as I kept working and working and working, I found myself not feeling any emotional connection to them anymore at all. By the time I submitted them, I actually thought both of them were terrible.…