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Month: August 2021

Kindred–Octavia Butler

A Black woman moves into her new home with her husband on her birthday. While unpacking, she gets nauseous, and finds herself transported back to Maryland in the early 1800s where a child is drowning. Her great-great-great grandfather points a gun at her. Her terror sends her back to her shocked husband. This novel is fantasy, and it explores dark themes. And sadly, it is just as relevant today as it was when it was…

News update

I realized that I haven’t done an update in a long time. I’ve been posting the books I read and I’m trying to include details about what I’m learning along they way, but what about me? Starting in about December of 2020 I recommitted myself to writing. I joined a biweekly writing group, I meet approximately weekly with an accountability buddy, and I’ve been doing a lot of writing. So far in the last 8…

Abaddon’s Gate — James S. A. Corey

This is book 3 in the Expanse series and it continues to follow James Holden and his crew as they travel around the solar system. There isn’t a lot I feel I can say about this book that you won’t find reading a review on Amazon, and I don’t want to give any spoilers. This series continues to be good quality hard SF and I really have enjoyed reading it. The authors are careful to…