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Tag: space opera

God Emperor of Dune — Frank Herbert

I had a dim memory of reading this book. Like I’ve said in some of my recent posts, I have read the first 3 books at least twice but the second 3 only once. I had a vague memory of the major plot and what happened at the end, which was confirmed when I accidentally wikipedia-spoiled the ending for myself. In this post I want to focus on 2 things: foreshadowing, and homophobia. Quick summary:…

Children of Dune — Frank Herbert

Although I have read Dune at least 6 times, I have only read the sequels all the way through once, and only read the first three books one additional time. In any event, it has been a long time and while I remember the big picture, a lot of the details were lost to the sands of time. (See what I did there?) Children of Dune starts 9 years after the events of Dune Messiah.…

Dune Messiah — Frank Herbert

I have decided to reread all 6 of the Dune books as my next reading adventure. I have read the first 3 several times, and the last 3 only once, but with my more advanced understanding of writing and craft, I am hoping to learn from this epic which inspired so much of my own world building over the years. This book is set 12 years after the events of Dune. It continues with political…

Dune — Frank Herbert

I first read this book in high school (approximately 1985). It was not my first attempt at reading it, but the first two times I tried I couldn’t get past the torpid first 100 pages with all the language, history, customs, new words, great houses… I just didn’t understand it. The third time I tried, I forced myself through it, and then at about page 100-150, I just couldn’t put it down and read it…

Leviathan Falls — James S. A. Corey

Well, i finally finished the series. I enjoyed it all the way through but this last book went places I didn’t fully understand. So much so that I actually read a spoiler laden interview with the authors where they talked about the ending. I won’t give spoilers but basically the ending is mystical and incomprehensible on purpose. They hinted at it though out the whole book, with the ring builders and their enemies gaining a…

Babylon’s Ashes — James SA Corey

This is the 6th book in the series and the first book of The Expanse series that I am not giving a 5 star rating too. Only 4 this time. This one felt different. It felt like the characters weren’t in control of their own destinies as much and there was a bit of a dues ex machina ending that was definitely hinted at in both this and the previous book, but still, it felt…

Light Chaser — PF Hamilton & GL Powell

This is a novella that I preordered, it arrived several months ago, and it has just been sitting on my shelf since then. I have read several books by each of these authors previously so was quite looking forward to this one. I liked it. It reminded me very much (theme, not style plot or tone) of the Asimov novel “The End of Eternity,” which deals with stagnation of societies due to the creation of…

Nemesis Games — James SA Corey

We’re back in the Expanse universe with book 5. This story was different from the others in the series in that James, Alex, Naomi and Amos split up and went their separate ways while the Rocinante is in dry dock for repairs. Amos heads back to Earth, specifically the city he grew up in, Baltimore. Alex heads to Mars to try to reconnect with his ex-wife. Naomi leaves James behind and tells him its best…

The long way to a small angry planet – Becky Chambers

I’ve heard a lot about this book. It was highly recommended and for me this book checked all the boxes. A new crew member joins a starship to take over record keeping but she has a complicated and secret past. The captain is a good man, trying to keep everyone happy with a firm but gentle hand, and yet he too has a secret… his girlfriend must be kept secret because the xenophobic race she…