I am a chemistry professor in real life but I have always, since 8th grade, wanted to become a published science fiction author. I have written but not finished a number of short stories ranging from hard SF to first contact stories to climate fiction to post-apocalyptic scenarios. Most of my work is in the 2500 – 5000 word range but I have been submitting 3 flash pieces. I have also outlined two novels and have written more than 70k words on a third. I won NaNoWriMo in 2021 and will be spending 2022-2023 writing essentially full time.
I am a spaceships and aliens kind of guy. I love to read hard SF, but have struggled to write it.
Some of my favorite authors/books are:
Heinlein, Friday, the Moon is a Harsh Mistress
Card, Ender’s game quartet
Asimov, Foundation
Clarke, Rama, Childhood’s End
Alistair Reynolds
Redshirts by John Scalzi
my favorite movies in the SF realm
The Empire Strikes Back
The Terminator