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Flights of Foundry

It is hard to believe that my fourth FoF is coming up this weekend. I found out about the first one in 2020 from a random post I just happened to see from Neil Clarke. I registered 3 days before the con and it was an absolute blast. I met some good friends, I joined a writing group, and my TBR pile has never been larger thanks to this group.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this con changed my life. I restarted my serious writing ambitions then, and now I have a completed novel, 2 published (soon) short stories, and several more out on sub. And I have made a lot of good (almost all virtual) friends from around the world.

There is less going on at this edition that interests me. I have about 10-12 hours already scheduled, including 2 lotteried workshops (my editor doesn’t like the word ‘lotteried’ but thats what it is, isn’t it? I won a seat by lottery?). The workshop I am most excited about is the one about writing query letters. As I have not written a query letter before, I did a lot of research over the last two days. I found queryshark, I found some good posts, and I now have a first draft of a query letter. I will revise it tomorrow and then I will submit it for consideration during the critique workshop.

My writing and editing have come to very much of a standstill for a number of personal reasons I won’t get into here. I am hoping that I will be re-energized to write after this coming weekend. See you at the con!

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