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Flights of Foundry

I am so new to this world. I don’t know what exists, I don’t know what I should know. For example, I frantically applied to the Clarion workshops at the last minute because I didn’t know they were happening. I now have a calendar of deadlines and workshops for next summer, so hopefully this pandemic eases up.

I knew that there were SF conventions but I didn’t really know what they entailed. I have never looked them up. But I got an email yesterday from the editor of Clarkesworld telling us about an online convention “Flights of Foundry” which was geared at writers. I leapt at the opportunity and immediately signed up for the weekend of events. There are a number of panel discussions, opportunities for one-on-one or few-on-one meetings, author readings, and some behind the scenes on the publishing world. I put together my schedule and signed up for some one-on-ones (gasp) and I will wait to see what happens. I have 2 or 3 polished stories that could be reviewed so I will have to pick one and see what I can do with it, assuming I get picked in the lottery.

The convention is this weekend, in 3 days, and I’ll be attending for 8 hours both days. I’m terribly excited about this and I will report back afterwards to let you all* know what it was like.

*my vast readership… consisting of probably no one…

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